Our Uniqueness
from the book
'Discovering life's journey'
We are unique individuals, don't need to be like others, but just embrace our uniqueness.
Human Design was born, downloaded, and developed in 1987 by a gentleman named Ra Uru Hu. It is a road map, a guide to your life’s purpose and path. It shows you how to relate to others, as well as how to guide your children. If you have heard of it and you're wondering, “What in the world is this, and how do I identify with it?” download your chart. There are websites where you can run your chart for free: geneticmatrix.com and jovianarchive.com.
We’re transitioning into a greater awakening and Human Design, as stated by Hu, was put here for the next generation, the children. So, if we can understand who we are and how to make our best choices, then we can guide our children as well, helping them stay aligned with themselves, and working to condition them to be their best selves, and not the one type of person society often molds us to be.
Human Design incorporates your astrological birth chart in an entirely new way. This system is literally the makeup of your unique energetic configuration - your aura, the energy field that you constantly carry. All of these pieces are determined by when and where you were born. Your soul’s purpose and journey can be found within the human design chart - your life story, your path in this incarnation. You can look at your chart and see the insight it offers into who you are, how you can make decisions, and how you communicate most effectively. At its core, it helps you bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be. It is made up of many different ancient systems: astrology, the Kaballah Tree of Life, the I Ching, the Chakra system, as well as aspects of biochemistry.
When you look at your chart, you will see a list to the left of your bodygraph. This list will include your day, time, place of birth, your type, profile, definition, incarnation cross, and channels. Paying attention to your type is important because it determines your energy type, the role you fulfill in the world, and your decision-making strategy.