UI/UX Designer, Illustrator, Author and more...

Welcome to my Website,
my name is Vilma and I am passionate about making ‘things’ better.
What do I mean with better? Sometimes it means user-friendly, sometimes it means finding a possible solution with the available resources or just depends from the situation.

There is an explanation for this passion, as there is one for almost anything, and I have spent lots of time in trying to understand who I am and why I think and act the way I do. For this I am writing a book on being and Empath and the tools and methods I have discovered can be applied to not only survive but actually live with this type of personality.
I'm a Generator type in Human Design, I like to create, collaborate, create communities. My experiences and my projects have changed over time, from Biology to Web Design, from Graphics to Photography, from User Experience Design to Product Design. The 'project' I am mostly proud of is being a mom of 2 beautiful 'children' though.

Through 2020 and 2021 I have collaborated with 3 women-friends to create an online safe community where women could come together and share, support and heal together. In my opinion, creating connection inside little groups is what our society needs the most at the moment. During this period I have also self-published a book to support a deeper transformation, 'Discovering Life's Journey', where my passions for Drawing and Self-Discovery/Healing come together. My friends have contributed with their knowledge in Human Design.

I am currently back to my first love that ties together most of my passions, the human body and its incredible ability to heal naturally, following a course in Naturopathic Nutrition at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in London.


"Every time we learn something new,
we become something new."
-Leo Buscaglia